

Good Remedies for Treating Fungal Infections

Good Remedies for Treating Fungal Infections

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Did you know that there are more than 50,000 different forms of fungi out there?  Fortunately, our bodies are built to resist most of them.  However, there are a few fungal infections that are common, persistent and can be difficult to treat.  The good news is that there are some remedies that you can try in order to reduce or eliminate symptoms without the need for medication.

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Apple Cider Vinegar
You can use vinegar internally or externally in an attempt to curb the growth and spread of certain fungi.  To make an oral medicine, simply add two tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink twice a day.  Increase the level of vinegar and dosage if symptoms do not show signs of improvement.

You can also make a topical remedy by mixing equal parts of water and vinegar and applying it to the affected area for at least 30 minutes.  Keep applying more of the mixture if it evaporates in order to thoroughly soak the skin.  When finished, simply pat dry with a towel.  Try this a few times a day and see if it helps to remove the infection.

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Garlic is a well-known antibiotic, and it can also burn away at fungi as well.  The most common remedy is to peel and mash a few cloves of garlic in a bowl and then add a few drops of olive oil.  Mix together until it forms a paste and apply to the affected area for about 30-60 minutes.  Rinse with warm water and reapply throughout the day.  Despite the strong smell, it is possible that you may see a reduction in symptoms a lot faster than you think.

The probiotics in yogurt produce lactic acid which is known to interfere with fungal reproduction.  Dab a piece of cotton or fabric into some plain, unsweetened yogurt and apply it directly to the skin for an hour.  Rinse and repeat at least three times per day until symptoms subside.  You can also start eating plain and unsweetened yogurt throughout the day and see if that helps as well.

Steep three tea bags for every cup of water and allow to cool.  Dab it onto the affected area and let soak for 30 minutes.  If you have athlete’s feet, you can also fill a basin with lukewarm tea water and soak your feet for 30 minutes at a time as well.  Tea can help to kill fungi while also reducing symptoms such as irritation, burning and itching as it is known to have properties that heal the skin.

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Oregano Oil
Oregano also has anti-microbial properties, and you can make an infusion with leaves and olive oil.  The strongest version of this remedy may take a few weeks to prepare as the oil and oregano blend together while soaking.  However, this is a good remedy to have on hand in your medicine cabinet.  You can also mix dried oregano leaves and olive oil together and immediately place on the affected area.  This will not have the potency of an infusion, but it can help, especially if you can keep the area covered in the mixture for a few hours at a time.

The effectiveness of these remedies will vary depending on the type and severity of the fungal infection.  However, they are worth trying, especially if you don’t have access to anti-fungal cream or medication.

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